This week Rob rekindles his love for old-school control as he analyzes looping in LTR. Find out how to build the deck that might be the best in the format.
Robert Genuario

We know black is powerful, but when are we supposed to go green in LTR? Rob talks about the differences in the colors and what green can offer you.
Every Limited format holds a lesson. LTR’s is about sequencing. This week, Rob considers optimizing sequencing in LTR Draft, especially with The Ring and amass.
It’s not that Jeskai is bad, but Rob’s found the wedge operates a bit differently than expected. Meanwhile, red continues to over-perform in LTR Draft.
It’s time to preview Magic’s first Universe Beyond set, Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth, examining new mechanics, archetypes, top commons, and more.
This week we bid farewell to March of the Machine with awards and rankings while reminiscing on our fond memories and discussing the lessons it taught us.
MOM draft has been out long enough that the best colors and pairs are established. But after picking bombs in those colors, how do you know it’s time to let go?
What if you could draft Arena for free… forever? Trophies are nice, but Par Magic pays the bills. Rob explains how to master this sensible way to draft.
Is Halo Hopper for real? Rob thinks so. This week, he lists and explores the key cards in this unlikely spin on convoke that’s saving rare-light MOM drafts.
A draft format offers reliability in its commons, but variation at higher rarity. This week, Rob examines how to maximize deck-building in March of the Machine.
Rob discusses the most important commons in March of the Machine, when you should pick them, and how you should build your deck to optimize them.
Rob explores the struggling Battles archetype, discussing how we can get the most out of Magic’s newest card type in a Draft format designed to stop them.
Rob takes a look at the early data from MOM, compares it with his experiences, and explains the format’s ten archetypes in this first look at March Draft.